Customer & Supplier Communication – COVID-19

In light of the recent developments related to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) AES would like to reassure our customers and suppliers that our plan is to operate all of our services as normal, within the restrictions and advice provided by the government.
As a responsible company, the health, safety and well-being of our employees, customers and suppliers will take the highest priority and the situation is being monitored closely. AES has put in place enhanced hygiene and visitor policies throughout our facilities and would ask for your understanding of the following:
• Wherever possible, we are offering customer/supplier meetings to be by telephone or online rather than face-to-face, avoiding any physical contact such as handshakes
• We are following all government guidelines with respect to COVID-19
• We are undergoing regular deep cleaning of our facilities
• We have put on hold all non-essential external visits to the AES site, other than collections and deliveries which is operating under new restricted guidelines to reduce any risk of transmission.
AES remains open for business and we do not currently foresee any impact on the continuity of our service at this stage, we remain in constant contact with our supply chain, but should the situation change we will notify you on a case by case basis.
Although we believe the actions we have put in place are appropriate for the current levels of risk, they are in constant review. We wish all of our customers and suppliers the very best and hope that together we can support each other and get through this difficult period. Should you have any further queries or requirements, please do not hesitate to contact the AES team on +44 (0) 1924 364464.
Best Regards
James Fawkes
Managing Director